Green Puree


  • 6 cups organic (homemade) chicken stock
  • 4 organic zucchini
  • 1 bunch organic broccoli
  • 2 organic carrots
  • large handful organic spinach
  • 1 cup organic quinoa
  • 3 cups warm filtered water + 2 Tbsp Whey
  • 1 medium organic red onion
  • 1 teaspoon oregano


Soak Quinoa in warm water mixture for at least 12 hours.  Rinse and drain well

Heat chicken stock
Coarsely chop veggies
Put veggies in chicken stock until soft (15 – 20 minutes)
Add quinoa
Bring to boil
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes

Use hand mixer to mix to desired consistency

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